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How Fast Do Private Jets Fly?

Frequent private jet passengers know that one of the main advantages of flying private is getting to your destination much quicker than on a commercial flight. But just how fast do private jets fly?

As you probably know there are different classes of private jet, and these of course all have different top speeds. Here is a comparison of the relative speeds of the most common aircraft used for private aviation.

- Turbo Props â€“ Turboprops, used for short distance, travel at 250 to 315 mph

- Light jets â€“  Light jets, such as the Citation CJ3, travel at 400 to 480 mph

- Midsize Jets, SuperMid Jets and Heavy Jets â€“  Midsize jets such as the very popular Citation X,  and Heavy jets can travel from 400 to almost 600 mph.

Of course, as with any questions you may have regarding Private Jet Travel, please contact us today!